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Software License Management Services

What are software license management services?

Software license management services help organizations: 

  • Manage software license purchases.
  • Track software usage.
  • Identify license surplus or license shortages to support either saving money or avoiding having to pay for a true-up.
  • Document and comply with your actual license agreement

Why does every organization need software license management services?

When you purchase or download any software, you do not own it. You have only been given a license by the software publisher to use it under the conditions set out in the End-User License Agreement or EULA.

Any unauthorized use can have serious implications for you and your business, as it is viewed as software piracy that can have heavy financial penalties.

How high are the risks and penalties for piracy?

The risks are very high. Having a software license management service from CG Technologies can prevent your business from facing any of the following;

  • A civil lawsuit against you for copyright infringement.
  • Heavy fines of anything up to several millions of dollars.
  • Or in extreme cases, imprisonment for the owners of the business.

Any of this could happen to you unless you can prove that you have purchased enough licenses for every copy being used in your organization.  

The question is, can you afford to run the risk?

Where are your risks?

Unless robust and comprehensive software license management solutions are implemented with the necessary attention, the risk to any organization, including yours, is high. The reasons for this, include:

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  • Busy business owners and IT teams often put software license management low down their priority list.
  • Software publishers routinely and randomly audit organizations of all sizes for license compliance. Why do they do this? Software vendors see fines and “true-ups” as significant sources of revenue.
  • Employees download and share unlicensed copies of software without realizing the implications.

Protecting you against the risk of legal action requires skill and experience in software license management services. CG Technologies can manage your software licenses and minimize the risk to your business.

How can we help you with software license management?

Our software license management service and solutions are comprehensive. Our qualified and experienced team uses best-of-breed software license management tools to manage your software assets proactively.  We provide you with accurate compliance and audit documentation, giving you the protection against failing an audit and by identifying waste, improving your bottom line.

With over 25 years of experience with a wide range of software license management solutions, we tailor our services to your unique requirements, including:

  • Establishing the software license baselines.
  • Supporting improved negotiations with software vendors and ensuring you buy only the licenses you need.
  • Continually manage software licenses for you, removing any potential risk.

Leave IT to us

With over 25 years of experience delivering exceptional services to 100’s of companies in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), We are confident we can deliver the same software license management benefits to your organization.

Our industry-leading strategic IT consulting and IT solutions will allow you to focus on what matters most – your business.